Performance reviews is not usually an activity most managers uses, but it’s an important part of the job of a manager. And it gives you an opportunity, when done correctly, to positively affect the future of your employees. Conducting an effective appraisal means more than just filling out the form your company uses, however. What goes on before you fill out the form is critical to getting the results you’re looking for. However, if you want to simply fill out the form, skip ahead to Part Two. But if you need some help in thinking about and preparing for the appraisals you have to conduct, continue reading. As part of the appraisal process in many organizations, the manager and employee have a meeting where the manager explains the appraisal process and the criteria for judging performance. If the process involves goals, the manager and employee discuss and agree on what both of them would like to see achieved over a certain time period (usually a year) and, perhaps, the kind of resources the employee will need to succeed. If you are responsible for defining employee goals, then use the initial meeting to explain these goals (and how you will work together to achieve those goals, if appropriate). Throughout the year document significant behaviors that are worthy of discussing during a performance review. Just keep notes as you observe the performance of your employees. It’s simple and easy to do— far easier than waiting until the end of the year and then trying to recollect what happened.
Data collection. First, gather the data. Review the employee's job description, at this stage the assessor should gather objective (performance data, facts, behavior, etc..) Which are the basis of the conclusions reached.
-Preparation and documentation of the evaluation. We review the data collected during the time the employee has been with the company and employee assessments.
-Then prepare the employee. It is necessary to give notice at least one week prior to check your work, read descriptions of his position, analyze the problems and prepare your questions and comments. Finally, choose the time and place. You have to find a mutually agreeable time for the interview and leave plenty of time to the entire interview. Make sure that the interview is conducted in a private place where no interruptions for phone calls or visits.
The interview- The first thing is to have clear objectives of the interview.
Must distinguish two parts:
• Evaluation. In this part reflect the issues related to incentives, promotion, salaries, etc.
• Personal development and troubleshooting. In this part must include the setting of targets and tackling public problems. It is preferable to the unpleasant to the top and leave good taste at the end. This is the feeling that the work will be our partner.
To conduct an effective interview is to know LISTENING Assessment to partner, to evaluate what he says and how he feels.
Economic proposal, preparing the next assessment, professional proposal:
Do not finish the interview without having reached agreement about the past and especially about the future. You propose a new economic plan or maintain it.
Your proposal should be offered professional
It is important to prepare for upcoming assessments, because the evaluation process should be an ongoing process to be useful
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